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Boys Names
Adityanandana son of the sunBoy
Adityavardhanaaugmented by glory Boy
Adripathi master of the mountains Boy
Adwaita non-duality Boy
Adway one; united Boy
Adwaya unique Boy
Aftab,Aftaab the sun Boy
Agasti, Agastya name of a sage Boy
Agendra king of mountains Boy
Agha pre-eminent Boy
Agharna the moon Boy
Aghat destroyer of sin Boy
Agneya son of agni Boy
Agnikumara son of agni Boy
Agniprava bright as the fire Boy
Agrim leader; first Boy
Agriya first best Boy
Ahijit conquerer of the serpent Boy
Ahilan knowledgeable, commanding Boy
Ahmad praiseworthy, commendable Boy
Ahsan mercy Boy
Aijaz favour Boy
Aiman fearless Boy
Ainesh the sun's glory Boy
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