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All Baby Names
Bibhavasu the sun; fireBoy
Bijal lightningBoy
Bikram prowessBoy
Bilva a sacred leafBoy
Bimal pureBoy
Binaa musical instrumentGirl
Bindiyadrop, pointGirl
Bindusaran excellent pearlBoy
Bipinforest (Vipin)Boy
Birbalbrave heartBoy
Bitasok one who does not mournBoy
Bodhan kindlingBoy
Boudhayan the name of a sageBoy
Brahmabrata asceticBoy
Brahmadutt dedicated to Lord BrahmaBoy
Bratindra devoted to right deedsBoy
Brijeshgod of the land of BrijBoy
Buddhadevwise personBoy
Buddhadeva Gautama BuddhaBoy
Budhil learnedBoy
Bukka heart, loving, sincereBoy
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