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All Baby Names
Abhisrisurrounded by glory, shining, powerfulGirl
Abhisumat radiant, another name of sun Boy
Abhisyanta splendid, a son of Kuru and Vahini Boy
Abhivira surrounded by heroes, a commanderBoy
Abhra cloud Boy
Abhrakasin with clouds for shelter, an ascetic Boy
Abhyagni towards the fire, a son of Aitasa Boy
Abhyudaya sunrise, elevation, increase, prosperity Boy
Abhyudita elevated, risen, prosperousBoy
Abjaborn in waterGirl
Abjayoni born of the lotus, another name for Brahma Boy
Abjit conquering water Boy
Aboilthe name of a flowerGirl
Acalapati lord of the immovable, lord of mountain Boy
Acalendra lord of the immovable, the Himalayas Boy
Acalesvara god of the immovable, another name for Shiva Boy
Acanda not of the hot temper, without anger, gentleBoy
Acarya teacher, another name for Drona, Asvaghosa and krpa Boy
Acaryanandana son of the teacher, another name for AsvatthamanBoy
Acaryasuta son of the teacher, another name for AsvatthamanBoy
Acaryatanaya son of the teacher, another name for AsvatthamanBoy
Acchindra flawless, uninterrupted, perfect Boy
Achal constant Boy
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